Tuesday, April 22, 2014

New phone OS and group help Post #6

As I stated in the main thread, the Parts & Portals group and myself will be joining forces to help each other get over our creative blocks this next week.  Jaron has quite a lot of HTML/CSS experience and all of my research into cross-platform game engines has actually made me fairly proficient at parsing engine code.  There is also the added bonus that their group is using Java and I love coding in Java.  It felt great to work with Daniel and just dive into trouble shooting on a new (to me) project.  I actually didn't realize how much I missed coding in Java until we started working on their game engine yesterday.  It really is a fun language to work in.

So back to my phone and feasibility of playing our RTS on it.  It doesn't look good.

I got everything working just fine after upgrading my OS to Jellybean 4.3.  This enabled WebGL and a few other cool developer features on my phone.  While the GPU isn't quite buff enough to handle even simple WebGL it was still really cool to play with the models from this site:


That being said.  I'm not entirely sure it's my GPU that can't handle it and not my internet connection, so more testing is needed to be sure.  That testing will just have to wait though.  For now, it's enough to know that it will take optimization of some sort to get 3D graphics to work on a phone so we will put that off to the side.  We didn't have phone design in mind when we started the project but I do think it's academically important to understand what it would take to have a WebGL based in-browser smart phone game.

I wish I could talk more articulately about the CSS/mouse event errors I'm getting in my HUD but I really don't know why the functionality is spastic.  There are a few factors that are involved;  the z-index and the functions controlling them, deprecated "prevent default action" code in the tutorial and the 2D canvas element "in front" of the HUD.

It's one of those problems where everything looks just like the examples in the book so I think the book must have a tiny typo.  I have run across several syntax errors in this book when the code spans pages so I at least know where to start hunting.  Overall the book is quite good for programmers familiar with HTML and CSS already.  It has been a good read so far and the first game example "Angry Fruit" was easy to follow.

Pro HTML5 Games: By Aditya Ravi Shankar

Oh, and my terrain map isn't displaying either -even though the web console is showing that the asset was loaded correctly.  This is regular asset loader troubles though and shouldn't be a problem once I track down the missing/broken loader code.

So with the roadblocks over the past couple weeks and losing our 3rd and 4th team members part-way through last quarter it will be necessary for me to update our timeline to fit our reduced crew size.  I definitely planned this project out for a 4 person team and have had to spend far too much of my development time scaling back our model to fit our dwindling manpower.

I'm off to update our timeline now.

Thanks for reading,

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